News and updates on projects.
THE BEAST OF OUR TIME FILM UPDATE: Jeff Bridges to narrate ‘The Beast of Our Time’
We are so honored, and blessed to have long-time Montana resident and friend to the grizzly bear, Jeff Bridges, narrating our film, “The Beast of Our Time.” Our film addresses the immediate concerns for not only grizzly bears, but the human race too. Jeff has graciously offered to help us tell our tale, and we couldn’t be more excited!
Grizzly Bear on Swan Lake Flats in Yellowstone - photo Brad Orsted
We are so honored, and blessed to have long-time Montana resident and friend to the grizzly bear, Jeff Bridges, narrating our film, “The Beast of Our Time.” Our film addresses the immediate concerns for not only grizzly bears, but the human race too. Jeff has graciously offered to help us tell our tale, and we couldn’t be more excited!
Jeff Bridges to narrate "Beast of Our Time"
Filming for “The Beast of Our Time” may have wrapped, but the editing team is now hard at work putting the pieces together for a rough assembly. Here’s a few images from our time filming last fall.
Filming with Doug Peacock and Terry Tempest Williams.
Ethan filming with Malou and Hannibal Anderson in Tom Miner Basin.
Maaike and Erik enjoying their work.
Getting good audio of Doug Peacock and Lance Craighead is no simple task! Good job Cam!
In between shoots, I can't help but make a new friend.
We are so blessed to have one of our favorite authors, Rick Bass, for the film.
Any shoot is nerve-wracking for the experienced directors/producers - especially when you’re working with talent. Th last thing you want is for your interviewee to sit fidgeting, and waiting while the crew looks for the right lens. Any number of issues from unexpected weather, to equipment failure seem to plague on location shooting. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a shoot that some snafu didn’t arise – until this one.
The weather not only cooperated, but lent itself to the cinematography, during our three days filming interviews. Our crew was super tight, and took the project very seriously. They were ready to march across any creek crossing, or into the oncoming storm, at a moment’s notice to get the shots we needed. Our cast, of course, was a pleasure to work with as well. They waited, and followed us wherever we directed, and made a few wet boots creek crossings themselves.
At one point, while filming Doug and Terry having a breakfast conversation at Doug’s kitchen table, I looked around the room and nearly crew member had a tear in their eye while trying to do their job. It was incredibly moving, and I can’t wait to see how it dovetails into the film.
Doug Peacock and Terry Tempest Williams
As Maaike, my co-producer/director, and I sat reflecting on a amazing three days of shooting, we heard an owl screech at dusk and looked up to find this! We took it as a good omen, as the owl flew away, that our film was in the hands of the spirits now.
Great -horned owl on a cross at sunset
That’s all for now. Our editing team is hard at work with our team in Livingston, MT. and one in L.A. - yet working seamlessly together. Stay tuned for more updates as we move towards a final cut of this monumental film about grizzly bears and love. We hope to have this film ready for release very soon! Stay Tuned!
Thank you for all the support,
Brad and Crew
Orphaned Grizzly Cubs of Tom Miner Update
On March 12th, 2019 I learned quite definitively our greatest fears for the orphaned grizzly bear cubs of Tom Miner Basin, which is situated just north of Yellowstone Park, had become a gruesome reality. The cubs had individually been euthanized by MFWP after leaving the relative safety of the Tom Miner Basin and wandering into Paradise Valley. Both cubs were determined to be females who would have been at breeding age this year. Our hearts broke with sadness and a repressed rage surfaced knowing very little had been done by the state to ensure the safety of both grizzly bears and humans alike in this case. The state made examples of any grizzly bear with the audacity to search out new and easy food sources in lieu of creating a climate of responsibility and tolerance.
Ophans Update:
On March 12th, 2019 I learned quite definitively our greatest fears for the orphaned grizzly bear cubs of Tom Miner Basin, which is situated just north of Yellowstone Park, had become a gruesome reality. The cubs had individually been euthanized by MFWP after leaving the relative safety of the Tom Miner Basin and wandering into Paradise Valley. Both cubs were determined to be females who would have been at breeding age this year. Our hearts broke with sadness and a repressed rage surfaced knowing very little had been done by the state to ensure the safety of both grizzly bears and humans alike in this case. The state made examples of any grizzly bear with the audacity to search out new and easy food sources in lieu of creating a climate of responsibility and tolerance.
On the USGS website,, the official cause of their deaths is listed as, “known, human caused.” Although USGS may not have intended a double-entendre, a truer message may never have been uttered by them. It goes on to say, “management removal for frequenting residences, habituated behavior and public safety concerns.” When the orphaned cubs hit an area not bear-proofed even though it’s in the heart of grizzly country, they were in full hyperphagia and found a boon of available food sources/rewards.
It is my belief, after the caraway crop was exhausted in the Tom Miner Basin, the ever inquisitive little cubs began venturing out in search of another food source. The basin had yielded it’s easiest crop for two little grizzly bears cubs on their own and they were now pinned between big, aggressive bears protecting gut piles, elk hunters around every corner in the basin and terra x down in the valley. They took the path of least resistance. When they hit the valley they found road-killed deer, residences and businesses without bear proof garbage containers, unattended fruit orchards, gardens still plump with root vegetables and a community ill-prepared for their arrival. It’s my understanding one of the cubs was captured, collared and released back up into the Tom Miner Basin only to naturally find her way back to the valley (food) and her sibling. When enough people complained, some threatening to kill the cubs themselves, MFWP buckled to the pressure and killed one of the females on 10/04/2018 and the other female on 10/16/2018. The state absolved itself of any potential conflicts, responsibility or further infuriating phone calls to their offices with the laziest and banal of all solutions; death.
The only mistakes the bears made were due to ignorance having been orphaned when they were less than a year old. Avoiding humans at all costs, where to find supplemental food sources especially during hyperphagia and how to make yourself scarce when necessary are all lessons they would have learned from their mother in those first few formative years for grizzlies. They were quite literally pinned between a rock and a hard place. Leaving the basin which had become increasingly dangerous with easy food mostly exhausted was their only option for survival. They could have had no idea the reward and consequences the valley would hold for them.
The mistakes the community made were somewhat formed out of that same naiveté. Most communities bordering Yellowstone are used to grizzlies moving through especially in the fall but with no food rewards the bears usually keep moving as motivated by their desire for calories. Bear proof garbage containers are encouraged and even provided. Fruit left on trees or on the ground, sloppy garbage areas, bird feeders and vegetables left in unprotected gardens are highly and publicly discouraged in these communities and as a result rarely have grizzly bears hanging around. Perhaps people in the valley just weren’t prepared for grizzlies in the neighborhood. Especially two big cubs who didn’t seem to have a natural fear of humans and were feeding on everything absentmindedly left out by its residents in the cub’s new discovery zone. I fault not the residents of the valley in their ill-preparedness nor the orphaned cubs for doing what comes naturally just weeks before hibernation.
The lamentable fate of the orphans lies squarely on MFWP and federal “authorities” although I’m not sure what they are an authority on besides one way tickets. These two orphans had exhibited absolutely no aggressive behavior towards humans even though they had ample opportunity and cause. They were only taking advantage of new-found food sources when every fiber of their DNA is driving them to eat, eat, eat. With only a few weeks until hibernation, a modicum of education and tolerance fostered by FWP could have kept the residents informed, empowered and safe while the bears looked elsewhere for their much needed food. Even as the harshest of punishments, these two orphans who have had to rely on each other their most of their lives would have potentially made great ambassador bears to help bridge the genetic isolation. If you can catch them and collar them why not move them to the Crazy Mountains, The Cabinets or the Yaak Valley and monitor them in lieu of indolent and slothful dispatch? Give them a chance to live or die free instead of a terrified and gutless death in a culvert trap. There’s a myriad of advocacy groups that would have gladly pitched in financially and physically to help relocate these two orphaned cubs and give them a fighting chance but sadly to my knowledge no effort was made.
Doug Peacock once told me to never name wild animals as it deprives them of their wildness. So in the 3 years of following these grizzly bear cubs I never once gave them a nickname or pet name as I spent dozens of weeks and hours observing, filming and photographing them. They were only ever referred to as “The Orphans.” Doug’s advice was never far away as I heard people over the years applying names to them that should only be reserved for strippers or breakfast cereals. Now it seems state and federal agencies have taken the liberty of naming the orphans themselves. They now will forever be know as “grizzly bear 42 and grizzly bear 44, sub-adult females” on the USGS list of known and probable grizzly bear mortality for 2018 depriving them of their wildness once and for all while we watched on in horror.
I will not grieve the fate of these two miracles we had the joy and pleasure of watching grow up anymore. I have lamented their loss and that time has passed. Their destiny was unfortunately not unique to them nor any other grizzly bear that meets with intolerance in its FEMALE ORPHANED GRIZZLY BEAR CUB natural search for food and survival in an ever encroaching world. The untimely demise of these two grizzly bears while tragic has only galvanized our efforts to honor them the best way we know how - tell their story - because where the grizzly bear roams a healthy ecosystem exist for all.
Our mission is to promote education, tolerance and compassion for grizzly bears while we search for answers and solutions to ensure generations to come will have the ability to walk on sacred ground; where the grizzly bears roam.
Brad Orsted
Horsefeathers Photography